Stellar Week and Thank You


I would like to thank everyone who has viewed and downloaded my silly game. And special thanks to those who bought it... I really didn't expect that to happen, so the support is heartwarming.

Heads up! The following is not considered canon to the game's lore.

I have always liked numbers. When I was younger, in math class, I would sometimes feel bad for numbers that would get heavily reduced during the solution to a problem. Big numbers have fascinated me ever since I was tiny - I remember being enraptured with the knowledge from a small everything-encyclopedia that the "largest" number is the mythical decillion. Thirty-three zeroes, I counted, and felt elated. So big! And how smart I was for knowing the biggest number ever.

Walking home from primary school one day, I was accompanied by an aquaintance. My memory might fail me here, but I remember the following transpiring: he asked me, "do you know what the largest number is?" Without waiting for my smart answer, as I knew the answer and was smart, he recited: "million-one, million-two, million-three." The million could have been a trillion instead, for my life has been long and interesting and such details might escape my mind, but. He was so wrong! Did you hear that? "Million-one, -two, -three?" I corrected him on his grievous error. My smarts were put to real good use, and I was of great help. Another time he hit me hard on my head with a pencil case. This is my involved history with large numbers.

Here are some of the numbers from my Itch analytics page.

All my life, I've sought after and cherished big numbers. Whether in math or in useless trivia, they've followed me and I've followed after them in a beautiful symbiosis, cooperation. I've spent many, many big numbers' worth of time - hours, minutes, seconds, days - arranging numbers on a computer to create this game. And how, do you think, do the numbers repay me? WITH THIS?

The nuuuumberrrrrrrrrrs. THey're not biiiiiiiiiig enouuuuuuuuuugh.. Are you seeing that? Are we seeing the same thing? 41 views? Surely that's an error. 41 in binary is WHO CARES because it's NOT ENOUGH VIEWS.

I'm presenting you with an ultimatum, now. If the numbers do not increase to a suitable level in the coming week, the twenty-sixth of August to the first of September, I will have this man () have his "NUMBERS" reduced. And what do I mean by NUMBERS? I hope you don't want to find out! Because I sure don't. Bye bye. See you when the NUMBERS change, and for the better, I hope, for the good of all of us.

Phew! You made it through the silly zone.

I have received a report of the main menu breaking after certain inputs, and also a concerned message about the saving not working, so I'll likely cobble together a patch soon enough to try fix some unclear happenings and bugs that the very rigorous playtesting didn't catch thus far.

Thank you for playing! Goodbye.

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